اعلان هيرميس

ECIC Trade mission to UZbekistan

In a collaborative effort between the Egyptian Business Council for International Cooperation, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Uzbekistan, and the Uzbekistan Embassy in Cairo, significant strides have been made in fostering joint cooperation between Egypt and Uzbekistan across various sectors.
Moataz Raslan, Chairman of the Egyptian-Canadian Business Council and the Egyptian Business Council for International Cooperation, highlighted the vast opportunities for collaboration between the two nations in various industries.

This business mission served as a platform to discuss and explore avenues for advancing economic and trade relations between Egypt and Uzbekistan. It aimed to capitalize on the available opportunities in both countries while tapping into Uzbekistan’s rich industrial experiences.

Raslan emphasized the pivotal role played by recent high-level visits between the two countries’ leaders, showcasing a mutual desire to bolster economic ties. Notable visits by President Shavkat Mirziyoyev to Egypt in 2023 and President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi to Tashkent in 2018 underscored the commitment to strengthening bilateral relations.
Despite the modest trade exchange of $50 million in 2023, there is immense potential for growth, which was evident during the trade mission. Officials and business organizations from both sides expressed keen interest in investment opportunities, driven by Egypt’s strategic location and expansive consumer market.

Discussions during the visit uncovered vast potential for cooperation in sectors such as health, energy, tourism, education, agriculture, and industry, including leather and mining. The mission was organized following an invitation last September from the Uzbekistan Embassy to Cairo, signaling a concerted effort to deepen bilateral relations.
Throughout the visit, a series of meetings were organized by Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Uzbekistan, Uzbek Embassy in Cairo and The Egyptian Embassy in Tashkent. These meetings included Senate house, Cabinet of Ministers, related ministries, and business entities. These meetings aimed to align agendas and explore areas of mutual interest, culminating in the Uzbek-Egyptian Businessmen Forum, which delved into maximizing trade and investment relations.
The mission also facilitated exchanges between Egyptian and Uzbek businessmen, inviting both sides to invest in two countries and explore the array of government-led projects across various sectors. Additionally, a tourist visit to the historical city of Samarkand showcased the cultural richness of Uzbekistan, fostering further opportunities for joint ventures and investments.
Key members of the Egyptian delegation, including Senator Abdel Salam Al-Jabali and Senator Hani Neamatallah, participated in the business mission, underlining the multifaceted approach towards strengthening bilateral ties.
In conclusion, the trade mission exemplified the shared commitment of Egypt and Uzbekistan to foster collaborative partnerships and capitalize on mutual economic opportunities. Such endeavors pave the way for deeper cooperation, investment, and commercial relations between the two nations.

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